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From: Kunstwerk Designs Kuntur Wasi Vest

Kuntur Wasi Vest

designed by Sonja Launspach
inspired by Andean textiles and traditional weaving patterns

NOTE: This pattern is available as a digital download through Ravelry. We are not authorized to sell the pattern, however we can provide yarn pacs.

Step 1: Choose Yarn & Colorway

Simply Shetland Spindrift As Shown

Simply Shetland Spindrift 274. Green Mist
Simply Shetland Spindrift 999. Black
Simply Shetland Spindrift 135. Surf
Simply Shetland Spindrift 929. Aqua
Simply Shetland Spindrift 1020. Nighthawk
Simply Shetland Spindrift 127. Pebble
Simply Shetland Spindrift 772. Verdigris
Simply Shetland Spindrift 805. Spruce
Simply Shetland Spindrift 800. Tartan

[As Shown]
Your Choice of Simply Shetland Spindrift

9 colors of Simply Shetland Spindrift

Note: click on a yarn name to display a color card in a separate window.

Step 2: Choose Options

Pattern is not available for purchase, download, or copy at this time.

Step 3: Review and Add Items to Shopping Cart

QtyDescriptionOptionsPrice ($)
Note: this order includes yarn to make Kunstwerk Designs Kuntur Wasi Vest $0.00