All the vintage needlework is at least 25 years old and has been in storage most of that time. Unless otherwise noted, these are kits including the pattern and materials. They would be an inexpensive way to learn needlepoint, cross stitch, or various types of embroidery.
(unknown) Lucite Napkin Ring [Vintage #622] Price: $2.00 SALE! 8 remaining3" x 1.75" can insert a 1.5" square canvas
(unknown) Lucite Napkin Ring Insert - Brown Design [Vintage #623] Price: $0.50 SALE! 2 remainingneedlepoint canvas only 1.5" x 1.5" fit in Lucite Napkin Rings
(unknown) Lucite Napkin Ring Insert - Red/Blue Design [Vintage #624] Price: $0.50 SALE! 1 remainingneedlepoint canvas only 1.5" x 1.5" fit in Lucite Napkin Rings
(unknown) Medicine [Vintage #580] Price: $4.00 SALE! 1 remainingneedlepoint canvas only 16.5" x 16.5"
(unknown) Mrs. Claus Ornament [Vintage #538] Price: $2.00 SALE! Originally $3.50 2 remainingneedlepoint canvas only 18 count 3" x 4"
(unknown) Music Piano Bench Cover [Vintage #621] Price: $15.00 SALE! 1 remainingneedlepoint canvas only 14" x 32"