Knitting Fever - Ella Rae Book 127. Cozy Soft Price: $15.00 Free with Yarn Pac6 designs for children to 8 years knit in Cozy Soft Solids or Cozy Soft Prints
A 100% off discount will be applied in your shopping cart when you also purchase a yarn pac for this book.
Knitting Fever - Ella Rae ER1118-01. Cozy Soft Cassidy Scarf & Hat Price: $6.00 Free with Yarn Pacdesigned by Nicole Milano to fit adult woman hat circumference 18.5" scarf 13" x 72" excluding fringe use 1 skein each 6 colors Cozy Soft Solids
A 100% off discount will be applied in your shopping cart when you also purchase a yarn pac for this pattern.