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Furniture and Accesories in the Colonial and Arts & Crafts style - Benches,Bookcases,Lamps,Candlsticks,Candle stands,Lamp stands,Plant stands,Taboutets,Wastepaper baskets, Umbrella stands


Raised Beds


iris_group.gif (78878 bytes) This is one of the flower beds that came with the house. Click on a flower for a close-up view.



Garden..jpg (12414 bytes) The garden and orchard are sited on a slope, facing south-east. The garden plot is 11 x 100 ft, divided into raised beds. If it rains very little does not get captured. The fruit trees are on a 20 x 20 grid at the top of the slope. Hopefully any frost will slide down away from them and there  will be good enough drainage to avoid 'wet feet'. The peach trees especially want good drainage. We tried to bring Asparagus and Rhubarb from Ohio but I'm afraid they didn't survive. The grafted apple trees, now 10 years old, did somewhat better. They're in a row, too close together, but we would like to form a Belgian Fence or similar espaliered form.

January 2006:





3rd     Pruning trees, Bordaux mix on grapes and brambles.  Planted 1 row of potatoes
5th     More pruning, dorment oil on everything plus Ferbam on peaches
8th    Pruning workshop, dorment spray on cherries,peaches and plums(Captan and Malethion). set out cabbages
11th     pre-pink spray
13th     peach,plum,necterine and pear in bloom
17th     bloom spray (fungicide only)
21st     1/4 in green spray (apples)
27th     set out onions, cabbages settling in except red
28th    planted peas, all 3 clumps of rubarb up, lilacs leafing out
30th     planted Wando peas, uncovered a row of strawberries, some have buds, brambles leafing out


2nd     spray peaches and cherries with Captan, spray apples and pear with ferbam,malethion and streptomycin.
 3rd     set out more lettuce
4th     Gravenstien apple in bloom
8th     Apples and cherries in bloom, peach petal drop, peas up, moving strawberries from old bed.
15th     Tree peony starting to open, locust leafing out
18th     sprayed ferbam and streptomycin on apples and pears, sprayed captan and imidan on grapes
24th     sprayed captan and malethion on everything
29th     beets up


1st     sprayed
2nd     ate first strawberry, planted bush bean Rocdor
10th     set out 6 tomato plants: big boy, better boy, brandywine, strawberry?
15th     beans up,planted yellow beans and rest of lettuce, cabbage starting to head
17th     set out leeks, been eating lettuce and spinach, getting about a pint of berries every night
20th     sprayed everything, set out more big boy and rest of lettuce, thinning peaches and necterine
23rd     picked early snow peas(dwarf white sugar), blackberry blooming, planted corn
28th     picked 2 quarts of pie cherries, planted Marketmore76 and Tendergreen cucumbers
29th     yellow beans up, picked more cherries. Got 8 qts total.


4th     picked some peaches, tomatoes starting to form, dwarf white pea done, Wando about ready
15th     green (?)beans starting to bloom, cucumbers up, got about 2 bu. of peaches total
22nd     sprayed pyrethron(sic) for Japanese Beetles, very dry
28th     wax(yellow)beans blooming, heavy rain


3rd     first string beans ready, planted lima beans
7th     cucumbers starting to bloom, sprayed Sevin
10th     picked from 2nd planting of beans, lima's starting to germinate
12th     had first tomatos(2), picked blackberries
14th     cucumbers forming, blooms on peppers
15th     sprayed Sevin
26th    picking cucumbers, dug onions
27th     had apple salad(mostly Gravenstein)


4th     White grapes getting ripe
8th     picked white grapes, seedless,very sweet but still very grapey, Gravenstein apple sauce ok
15th     got one Arkansas Black apple from the critters, a very good apple!